Pregnancy is beautiful. But it can also be brutal. Heartburn, headaches, cramping, haemorrhoids – these are just a few of the painful symptoms that can make pregnancy challenging and stressful. There’s another pain that can strike when you’re pregnant: sciatica pain. This one can make the experience downright miserable. It causes many women to seek out...Read More
Are you experiencing pain in your hip and thigh? It might be your iliopsoas. If you have a problem with this muscle, you are likely to experience pain at the front of your hip, which may radiate down your thigh. You might also experience pain in your low back. Where is your iliopsoas located? The...Read More
Hip flexor pain is a very common condition that affects both people who are very physically active and people who are also quite sedentary. What do we mean by hip flexor pain? Hip flexors are the group of muscles that allow you to lift your knee to your chest and bend at the waist. There...Read More
Chiropractors are routinely asked ‘What is referred pain?’ You might be experiencing what you assume are minor aches and pains. These could occur anywhere in multiple forms, from tingling pain down the arms or legs to soreness in the hips. Often, the source of these pains is the spine, even when the pain is elsewhere....Read More
The Hip Joint is a ball and socket joint designed to be able to withstand a large amount of wear and tear from your everyday movements and also has a large range of motion or movement. This allows us to do things like walk, run and jump with ease. The hip joint is surrounded by...Read More
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